Years ago, a utility worker in Arizona mistakenly tripped off an electric transmission line and cut power to 1.4 million homes. It was probably enormously embarrassing to the worker; that one small action caused a blackout all the way to San Diego! Big blunder. Huge consequences. Large or small, intentional or unintentional, we all make mistakes. No one lives error-free. It is part of the human condition. Often, mistakes will cost you something—your time, money, reputation, or something else. For instance, if you miss one payment on your credit card bill, your rate may go up significantly. Ignore the fine print on a document and you may wind up with results you never expected. Forget to pick up your child after ballet class, and you’ve got your hands full with some strong emotions. We all mess up at times, but it’s what we do after the mistake that makes a difference. You can wallow in regret, you can run and hide, or you can choose to learn from your mistakes. Failure can turn to triumph when you first ask God for forgiveness. Then receive it, and learn to discern the ways of wisdom. Find ways to do things differently and make better choices next time. When we are repentant and ask for forgiveness, God extends it. God keeps on loving us—even when we mess up. Don’t keep beating yourself up emotionally. You may have done something “bad” but you are not a bad person. God loves you—always has, always will. He may be hurt by your actions at times, but restoration is possible. That’s why grace is so amazing. Then, move forward. Don’t keep mulling over the mistake in your mind. God forgives and forgets; we need to do the same by forgiving ourselves. Never underestimate the power of prayer. There is nothing you have done or can do that is out of reach of our loving Lord. God can do anything; we simply need to ask in faith. Ask God for wisdom. He can heal your wounds, and give you strength to live in the present, not keep looking over your shoulder at the past. In this life you and I will make mistakes. God is not looking for perfection. He knows your heart and cares more about your intentions. You can become a person of wisdom as you become a person of prayer. When you ask, God will empower you to make wise choices. Ask Him for wisdom, then walk in it. POWER PRAYER for HEALING MISTAKES Lord, I don’t know what to do. I’ve made a big blunder, and I don’t know how to make things right. Will you give me wisdom to take the next step, and show me what to do differently? I’ve been depending upon myself. Will you lead and guide me in the right path? I need your wisdom and power to do the right thing. I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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