What a blessing that every year millions of people across our nation on the first Thursday in May to join together in prayer for the land—and the people—we love. Whether they gather at one of the hundreds of prayer events around the country, or watch the livestream (on Thursday evening, May 4, 2023 at 8 p.m. Eastern on the NDP website and on many Christian radio and TV stations), or pray in small groups or alone, it is a time to call upon our great God to help and heal our nation. The National Day of Prayer website provides a wealth of information about the event. Here are some suggestions they provide for why we pray for America—with added practical lists on what to pray for specifically. WHY PRAY FOR AMERICA? God is sovereign and nothing comes as a surprise to Him. Whether we face fluctuating economics, threats from abroad, unrest at home, or other troubling circumstances, our Heavenly Father is not caught unaware. Through prayer, we are able to tap into His wisdom, strength, protection, and peace. He stands ready to respond to our needs when we humbly ask for divine intervention in the affairs of men. As we Pray for America whose pledge of allegiance recounts that we are “one nation under God”… and we want Americans to encounter the God who rules over their country. “He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals His thoughts to man, He who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth—the LORD God Almighty is His name.” He is the One who gave us this promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” As we humbly and diligently seek Him, we’ll be changed, and we’ll see transformation in America through prayer! HOW TO PRAY FOR AMERICA 1. GOVERNMENT Federal Government State Government Local Government Suggestions for WHAT to pray 2. MILITARY Wise leaders who inspire respect from those under their command (Romans 13:1) Protection and support for the families they have left behind (Romans 1:8-10) Suggestions for WHAT to pray 3. MEDIA Suggestions for WHAT to pray 4. BUSINESS For Christian workers to display Christ-like humility and service to their co-workers. Suggestions for WHAT to pray • May each business leader be of great character: of integrity, humbleness of spirit and heart, honest in speech and actions, empathetic and vulnerable. 5. EDUCATION Excellence in educators (Exodus 18:20-21) Equal opportunities for every student to achieve their full potential (Philippians 1:9) Suggestions for WHAT to pray 6. CHURCH For the church would find a new zeal and commitment to the mission and purpose of Jesus Christ (Matt 22:37) Unity with and among churches that reveal God’s love to the world (John 17:23) Integrity–that God’s people look and act differently from the world (I Peter 2:11; 1 Corinthians 13:6) Suggestions for WHAT to pray 7. FAMILY Establish healthy relationships between parents and children (Malachi 4:5-6) Suggestions for WHAT to pray Finally, from the National Day of Prayer website, here is the 2023 Prayer for America: 2023 National Prayer For America We come with fervent hearts to praise You Lord. The Alpha and Omega, Lion of Judah, Almighty God You clothed Yourself in flesh and dwelt among us, to remove With broken, humbled hearts we repent of our Forgive us for our doubt, our prideful and quarrelsome words Cleanse us and renew a right and steadfast spirit within us we With grateful hearts we thank You fervently for We will remember Your grace and testify Help us to refrain from complaining, but instead be As the Church we commit to pray and love our Holy Spirit work and overflow through us With an obedient heart we put on the full armor We pray fervently for our communities and Every person is Your workmanship, We pray that America would confess, “Jesus is Believing You; all You are, all You said, and all –Kathy Branzell, President, National Day of Prayer Task Force Prayer changes things! And it changes us. Remember, “…The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16). We choose to trust God, and pray on! PRAYER RESOURCES by Jackie M. Johnson Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough Prayers With Purpose for Women 60-Second Refreshment: Power Prayers for Women Photo credit: Aaron Burden, UnsplashToday is the annual National Day of Prayer in America!
—Amos 4:13 NIV
Pray for your leaders, as well as the judges in our courts. Ask God to grant them wisdom to act with integrity. (I Kings 3:28; I Timothy 2:1-2; Exodus 18:21; Proverbs 11:3; Romans 13:1-2)
Consider praying for our President, Vice President, Cabinet Members, Congressional Leaders, Supreme Court Justices
Consider praying for your Governor, Executive Leaders, Legislative Leaders, Judicial Leaders
Consider praying for your Mayor, City Counsel, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Judges, County Officials
• Provide leaders with wise and godly counselors who will provide honest wisdom and encouragement
• Well up humility in the hearts of leaders to make apologies or adjustments when these things are necessary
• Lord, pour out a spirit of cooperation between elected leaders
• Break down the barriers that are built up by selfish ambition for personal power
Perseverance to endure hardship (Isaiah 43:2; Deuteronomy 31:6)
• Pray for the leaders to make wise and righteous decisions based on biblical principles rather than personal career gains
• Lord, help all military personnel see You working in their daily lives, that You are with them, whether they are in the field, at home, or abroad
• Remove stigmas for seeking medical attention for mental and physical needs
• God, hold the families of service members close, and may they look to You for the strength and peace that only You can give
• Comfort the spouses who are separated due to military jobs—keep these marriages strong
• Lord, encourage the believers who are called to use their creative gifts to glorify You and cultivate a culture of concern for one another
• Teach us to use the news as prayer prompts and ideas for how to serve our local community
• Pour out wisdom for people who bring funding to entertainment media to fund things that are wholesome and speak the truth of God
• Send creativity for artists to create thought-provoking works of art and entertainment that point towards Your redemptive plan for humanity
• Strengthen the Christians in these spheres to boldly stand for Biblical truth in the writer’s rooms, board meetings and creative processes
For areas that need an economic boost (Psalm 132:15).
• Lord, raise up a workforce that is filled with a spirit of excellence and unity in all they do
For a safe atmosphere conductive to learning
• To stir the hearts of parents to take an active role in the academic, spiritual, and emotional formation of their children
• Guide school boards to be wise in choosing curriculums that uphold the truth of the Word
• Set young people free from the hopelessness, despair, depression, anxiety, loneliness, and substance abuse
• Bless teachers with an outpouring of grace and endurance of such magnitude it overflows onto their students, their schools, and their communities
• God, use Your Church as a beacon of light and joy to a world that is searching for answers
• Jesus, give your pastors keen wisdom and insight that is in tune with your Spirit so they would never lose sight of the mission of Your Church
• Lord, open hearts in the church to care for people outside the church, to be praying for them and to become visibly and tangibly concerned and helping them in needs and struggles
• Remind us to eagerly look for ways to use our time, talents, and treasures to build up the Body of Christ
Unity and love in individual families that reach out in hospitality toward others (Romans 12:9-13)
• Wisdom in choosing a spouse; to be equally yoked together in faith
• Grant us humility, and with that humility bring stability and peace to families
• Give husbands and wives the grace to consider each other before self
• Endurance for single parents or grandparents stepping in as parents
• Comfort for families moving forward through grief
• Strengthen families who also serve as caretakers for medically fragile family members
• Give empty-nest parents comfort in transition and the vision to grasp their new role as full-time intercessors for adult kids
• Harmony in blended families
• Create a means of escape and healing from harmful family dynamics
You are The Word, the Way, Truth and Life.
who was, and is, and is to come.
our sin and clothe us in Your righteousness that
we might dwell with You forever and ever.
sins. Confessing to You our faithlessness,
prayerlessness, and disobedience.
that reveal our unclean hearts.
the blessings in our life and throughout
America; they are more than we are able to
to Your goodness in all generations.
prompted to pray faithfully in every
circumstance. Teach us to have a content heart
knowing You are always enough for our every
neighbor and nation as You loved us, that our
reputation in this world would be rooted in Your
in every prayer, thought, word, and deed. May
our character, conversations, and conduct
reflect the righteousness in which You clothed
us and command us to live.
of God; Your breastplate of righteousness
guards our heart from which flows the springs of
country; the people who are in the Church,
Family, Education, Business and Workplace,
Military, Government, Arts, Entertainment and
fearfully and wonderfully created and loved.
With hopeful hearts we pray that all would
choose to receive Your love and follow You.
Lord” and reflect Your righteousness in every
sphere of influence, and every aspect of our
lives. We ask that heavenly hope would flood
our hearts, silence hate, and that You will heal
our land.
You have promised, we pray fervently in
righteousness and avail much. In Jesus Name
we pray, Amen!
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace,
that we may obtain mercy and find grace
to help in time of need.
–Hebrews 4:16
The need to pray for our nation—and the people who call America home—is more urgent than ever. Though our spiritual heritage is rich, the fabric of society has been unraveling for decades.
We all know it.
The good news is that, as Christ-followers, we have the privilege and the authority of coming before God to ask for help, healing and revival.
We can stand in the gap to intercede for our nation and our people.
We can pray—and make a difference.
In fact, we can improve the spiritual landscape of our nation with the power of prayer.
What is prayer, exactly?
Prayer is conversation with God. It’s a holy conversation, talking and listening with The One who loves you most.
Prayer connects us to the One who has the power to make real and lasting changes—in our lives, in our nation, and in the world. Because of God’s mighty power, coupled with His infinite wisdom and unconditional love for all of us, we can have peace knowing that He’s in control despite circumstances.
Here’s the thing. Prayer releases the power of heaven to protect and defend us. And our good and faithful God helps us through both the valleys and the victories of life.
Prayer is not a magical set of words you use to get what you want from God. It’s not judged by how long you pray or how loud. When you pray in faith—simply and sincerely—you each prayer can be a powerful moment.
Simply put: Prayer changes things. And it changes us.
So, how can we pray powerfully for our nation?
1. First, we come before God individually. We come with a heart of humble repentance and ask for forgiveness for personal sins and wrongdoings. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
2. Then, we come before God together. We can pray together in church and in small groups (when gathering is allowed again after the virus crisis)—or pray virtually online. We can also come together to pray for our nation through the annual event, the National Day of Prayer.
Tell me about the National Day of Prayer 2020
This year, National Day of Prayer Observance will be held on Thursday, May 7, 2020.
If we didn’t have COVID-19 virus restrictions, there would usually be more than 60,000 events happening across the country for the National Day of Prayer. Instead, this year, we can watch the nationwide virtual prayer event and pray from our own homes, apartments, condos, cabins, or other dwellings.
Who are some of the leaders leading prayer at this event?
Kathy Branzell (NDP President) and Will Graham (grandson of Billy Graham) will be hosting the event. Other leaders include Michael W. Smith and his wife Debbie, Andrew Palau, Robert Morris, Nick Hall, Harry Jackson, Jim Cymbala, Billy Wilson, Pat Robertson, Greg Stier, Gabby Odom, Blair Linne, and more.
Where can I watch or listen to the National Day of Prayer 2020 Observance?
• Date: Thursday, May 7, 2020
• Time: 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Eastern Time/7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Central Time/6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Mountain Time/5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Pacific Time
• How to watch: Watch a livestream on the National Day of Prayer website, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
How can I pray for America?
Here are a few suggestions of how to pray for America as you prepare your heart for the annual National Day of Prayer—or pray any time.
Pray for our national leaders, state leaders and local leaders. Whether you agree or disagree with who’s in office, we are called to pray for those in authority. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
Pray for the Armed Forces, the honorable men and women serving our country so we can have freedom and peace. For their health and safety, and their families.
Pray for the integrity of the Family. For marriages to be strong and healthy. For men and women to parent well, with integrity, love and wisdom. For singles, to make wise choices in whom they date and marry. And for those who don’t have a family, that we would see the need for community and include them.
Pray for Education. For teachers, administrators, volunteers to teach and lead students well so they become wise and compassionate men and women one day. That there would be resources they need to teach well and keep children safe.
Pray for the Media and Entertainment Industry. That God would shine His light in the dark places. That He would raise up creative people to produce positive and life-giving entertainment.
Pray that God would heal our land. We are divided, not united, in these United States on many social issues and political issues. We need God’s mighty power to work in each of us to heal the hatred, bring forth truth and justice, and help us move forward with peace.
Pray for spiritual revival in America—and in the world. For the continued blessing of God’s favor upon our nation. As Psalm 33:12 tells us, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…”
Pray for whatever else comes to your heart for our people, our leaders and our nation.
Prayer changes things!
It’s time to press in and pray on. With God’s power at work in us, anything is possible.
Let’s look forward to a new day in each of our hearts—with hope and joy for America and the amazing people who call it home.
Key Verses to Pray for Our Nation
Ephesians 6:18
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Ephesians 6:11-12
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:13-17
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Hebrews 4:16
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
PRAYER RESOURCES by Jackie M. Johnson:
Power Prayers for Women
Prayers With Purpose for Women
Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough
Prayer against COVID-19 (for coronavirus to stop)
PHOTO CREDIT: Girl with flag, Frank McKenna, Unsplash

Today is National Day of Prayer in America. From the large observance in Washington DC, to gatherings across our nation in every state, it is a time to pray for the land we love, our leaders and our people.
So here are a few short prayers you can pray for our leaders on the national, state and local levels, as well as a prayer for the family and for education in our nation.
Whether you agree or disagree with our leaders and politics, we can stand together today in unity and pray for God to bless America, the place we who live here call home.
Pray for National Leaders
Lord, I pray for our nation’s leaders and ask that you would give them the ability to make wise decisions, govern with integrity and accomplish their tasks in ways that build our nation and keep us at peace. May all of the people I pray for now bring glory and honor to Your Name as they serve our country: the President, Vice President, and Secretaries of State, Defense, Homeland Security, Interior, Treasury, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Energy, Education, Veterans Affairs, Health & Human Services, Housing & Urban Development; the Attorney General, National Security Advisor, Director of National Intelligence, and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Pray for State Leaders
Lord, I pray for men and women on the state government level who will lead with humility and godly wisdom good policy. Bless their lives as they balance their work and home lives. Give them strength to govern wisely. May all of the people I pray for now be faithful stewards of their office and serve the people of our state for the glory of God’s name: our state Senators, Representatives, Governor, and State Supreme Court Justices.
Pray for Local Leaders
Lord, I pray that the leaders in our city and local area would lead with integrity, honesty and fairness. May they be hungry for the power of God and not be power-hungry for control that will not last. May all of the people I pray for now lead with justice, grace and mercy as they serve our community for Your glory: the Mayor; judges, court officials for the city and county, members of the Police Department and Fire Department and other civic leaders.
Pray for Families
Lord, thank you for the families in our nation that are following God and generously serving those in need. I pray that You would build more families who are dedicated to upholding God’s values. I ask for marriages to be strong and healthy, and when they are not, please restore them to wholeness. I pray for obedient not rebellious children. We pray for revival across the land. May our families praise you and put you first.
Pray for Education
Lord, we need your presence in our schools and educational system. I pray for the teachers and administrators to lead with kindness, patience and strength as they serve children every day. Help them to be knowledgeable and prepared. Give them energy and good hearts. I pray for students to be obedient to the authority of the school and to learn what they need to know. May our schools be safe places for children to prepare for work, ministry, service and life.
God bless America!

In honor of National Day of Prayer in America this week (May 3), here are a few more prayers you can pray–for our nation, for media and for the Armed Forces.
God Bless America
I praise you Lord, and thank you for this great nation. God has blessed America! Thank your for peace. Thank you for the freedom to speak and be heard, and to vote for elected leaders. Although we are a diverse and independent nation, I pray that we would respect each other and uphold godly values as we seek to honor the authority of those who govern our land. Please keep the United States united in one strong country that seeks your face and favor.
Media and Entertainment Industry
Lord, I ask in Jesus’ name that you would bring Your light to the dark places of Hollywood and the entertainment industry. Please rise up creative people with life-giving values to write and produce media that is positive, not destructive. I pray against the negative messages and intense violence and sexuality portrayed on the Internet, TV and movies, and in books, music, magazines, and other media. I ask, seek, and knock on Your door. Open the way for a bright new day in our nation’s entertainment and media choices.
Prayer for the Armed Forces
Lord, I thank you for all of the men and women serving in our armed forces. They choose to put their life on the line so we can have freedom and peace, and for that I am truly grateful. I ask that You would bless them for their loyalty and service. Protect them and keep them safe. Comfort them and give them strength when they are away from loved ones. Bless, too, the families who send soldiers to war or for duty overseas. I pray that You would meet their every need.
Stay tuned for more prayers for our nation tomorrow…
National Day of Prayer Events on
Thursday, May 3, 2018 (7:30 PM Eastern Time)
For more information about prayer, see “Power Prayers for Women” and “Praying With Power When Times Get Tough” by Jackie M. Johnson

America’s National Day of Prayer will be held on Thursday, May 3, 2018. Here are some prayers to help you get started, and a bit of info about praying for our nation.
Praying for Our Nation
The United States of America was founded on godly principles by faithful men and women who prayed. Through the years, God has blessed our nation. Here, we can worship freely, vote for our leadership and live in relative peace and freedom.
Although our spiritual heritage is rich, the moral fabric of our nation has been unraveling for decades.
Sadly, we see increased violence—from shootings in schools, movie theatres, military bases, churches, the streets, and more.
We hear about the opioid addiction crisis, or know someone personally suffering from an addiction.
From poverty and homelessness, to racial issues, to the lack of educational funding and the breakup of many families, and so much more, nearly every city in our great nation suffers.
We know there has to be a better way to live.
And so, we choose to pray for our country, our diverse needs and our leadership–individually and corporately.
National Day of Prayer
This week we will celebrate the National Day of Prayer on May 3. Since 1952, men and women have been gathering in our nation’s capitol, Washington DC, and in thousands of churches and other locations in states across our land to pray for our nation.
More than 30,000 observances were held across America last year attended by 2 million people, according to the National Day of Prayer website, nationaldayofprayer.org.
So, this week on my blog, I will list prayers that you can pray for our nation, our leaders (national, state and local), the media/entertainment sector, the Armed Forces, education, the family and prayers for spiritual revival in America.
Revival is possible as we seek God and stand in the gap to intercede for our nation.
We can make an impact on the spiritual landscape of our nation with the power of prayer because prayer moves the heart of God to action.
Perhaps the most important thing we can do is to first come before God with a heart of humility and repentance.
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
In addition to praying, we can get informed, we can get involved and we can vote and seek to make a difference in our own corner of the country.
And we remember, that although we pledge allegiance to America, our citizenship is in heaven, and we are to be like Christ—loving, kind and serving others—in all our interactions, even our political ones.
Prayer for Spiritual Revival
Revive us, O Lord! I pray for a great awakening of hope and healing in America. Forgive us our personal sins and the sins of our people. May our nation fulfill her great destiny and purposes. Awaken us to our need for God and our total dependence on You. Bless us, Lord, to be a nation that is powerful so we can be strong within and be a blessing to other nations.
National Day of Prayer Events on
Thursday, May 3, 2018 (7:30 PM Eastern Time)
For more information about prayer, see “Power Prayers for Women” and “Praying With Power When Times Get Tough” by Jackie M. Johnson