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Single on Valentine’s Day? 5 Ways to Be Happy Despite Circumstances

Single on Valentine’s Day? For some, the February 14 heart holiday celebrating all things love and romance, can be challenging if you don’t have a special someone in your life right now.

I know people in the “uncoupled” stage of life who bemoan their single status and gripe to just about anyone who will listen about what they don’t have:

“I just want a boyfriend. I just want to be married. Why does she get a second husband when I haven’t had one at all?”

You probably know single people like that.

I know I do.

Then there are the cynical singles who mock the red heart holiday with snide remarks like, “Who cares? It’s just a Hallmark holiday anyway.”

On a positive note, I know a bunch of interesting and intelligent single women who celebrate Valentine’s Day with friends—they throw a party and just have fun.

Indeed, singles look at this romantic holiday with very different attitudes.

So if you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and you want to not only endure but enjoy Valentine’s Day, you have some choices to make about your perspective and your attitude.

Finding Hope

So here’s some hope–and five (5) helpful ways singles can find more joy on the love holiday—and throughout the year:

1. Know and believe the truth. It’s OK to feel discouraged when you don’t have someone special to love (or like). But don’t set up camp there. Move forward with hope by telling yourself the truth about your identity and your single status.

• God’s Word says you are dearly loved, the “apple of His eye.” He is with you; He is for you. He cares about every area of your life, even your love life.

• Don’t allow one day of the year, February 14, define your identity. Whether you have a significant other or not, you are still worthy of love.

• Being single doesn’t mean that you are “less than” or “not good enough.” It’s simply not true.

• And here’s a fact: You are not alone. Nearly 50.2 percent of us (or 124.6 million) American adults are single.

2. Surrender. Sometimes we hold on so tightly to what we think we want and how the whole dating/marriage thing is supposed to play out.

I have learned that the way to find peace is to surrender, to yield, to the One who loves me most, and allow God to reign in this area of my life. Knowing that God wants the very best for me allows me to trust Him.

In my book When Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton Is Empty I talk about the fact that God is all about love and relationships. But sometimes we try to fill that desire for lasting love with other things, or people, and they leave us feeling empty and alone.

“Often we try to load up our heart and fill the holes with what another person thinks, says, or does when it was meant to be filled by God. He won’t let anyone be our total fulfillment, otherwise we wouldn’t need Him.

It’s not wrong to want a relationship. God is all about relationships…As we put God first in our heart affections, He fills up the emptiness and we are able to receive the love of others, retain it, and give it away.

Perhaps you think because God hasn’t given you someone to love, that He doesn’t care or that He’s forgotten about your desires. God is not forgetful or uncaring. He is constantly at work in the lives of His children, and everything God does is for a reason—even His divine delays.” (When Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton Is Empty, by Jackie M. Johnson)

3. Prepare. Are you ready to be in a relationship? Maybe it’s time to think about getting rid of the garbage in your head and your heart—the stuff that no longer belongs—like bad attitudes about the opposite sex or a critical spirit.

Think about what you really want in your next relationship and how things can be different next time. Was the last guy you dated too serious and you want someone more playful? Did you have a hard time getting your previous boyfriend or girlfriend to attend church with you when that’s an important part of your life?

4. Pray. Ask God to show you what needs to change in your own life to prepare for your next relationship.

What areas of your life need changes—your spiritual life, physical, social, financial and the like.

Also, pray for your future husband or wife. Prayer is talking to God and listening. And He loves talking to His kids. We can come confidently and boldly to Him and ask for our heart’s desire.

5. Choose joy now. Don’t wait to have a man in your life or a woman on your arm to be happy.

Sure, it’s Valentine’s Day and love is in the air. But you, single friend, can choose to have peace and joy in your life despite your circumstances. If you get invited to a pity party, don’t RSVP!

Make a plan to get together with other single friends. Celebrate love of all kinds and send a card (yep, snail mail) to family members or friends to show you care.

Choosing Joy

Instead of drowning your sorrows in massive amounts of chocolate this Valentine’s Day, rejoice in who you are—dearly loved, special and chosen by God.

Despite your feelings, you can choose joy today.

Don’t let one candy-infused, heart holiday hijack your hope.

I, for one, choose to be confident and hopeful—on Valentine’s Day and every day of the year.

How to Be Happy Now

I’m a “get it done” kind of person.

Between my busy full-time job and myriad writing projects—plus keeping up with family, friends, and other activities—it seems like there’s always something to do and never quite enough time.

So when life gets full, I need to remind myself to be happy now, not put it off for later or someday.

I need to remember to take time to “be,” not just “do” things.

To allow myself to feel joy and contentment with a job well done, or even while I’m still in the process.

Today, I received such a reminder.

A friend posted this quote from Alfred D. Sousa on Facebook and it jumped off the screen as if to say: Stop waiting to be happy.

Read the excerpt of what Sousa said:

“Treasure every moment you have…stop waiting until you lose ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you retire, until you get married, until Friday night, until summer, until winter, until you’ve had a drink…. there is no better time than right now to be happy.

I want to be happy now. I want to choose joy, despite circumstances.

How about you?

Here are 10 great ways to be happy now:

1. Choose Joy. First, I’ve learned that there is a difference between happiness and joy.

Happiness is dependent upon your circumstances. Joy, on the other hand, is a feeling of well-being that does not depend on circumstances.

When challenging things happen, we can give them to God—release our pain, fear and worry—and know that He will take care of us.

Of course, there is a time to rejoice and a time to be sad (Romans 12:15). You don’t have to paste a smile on your face every minute of every day.

2. Ignore the joy-stealers. Don’t let haters and negative people pull you into their orbit. Stay steady as you keep your mind on God’s unchanging truths.

God will take care of you. He is faithful. He is good. He has the wisdom, power and love to make real and lasting changes in your life.

3. Write some of your favorite and uplifting Bible verses on sticky notes and post them where you’ll read them often—like your bedroom or bathroom mirror, the front of the fridge or your desk. Here are a few to get you started:

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

“Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” John 16:24

“You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.” Acts 2:28

4. Laugh more. It’s been said that “laughter is the best medicine.” Plus, it feels really good to laugh. A smile turns to laughter, and soon you feel good all over.

5. Invest in positive and loving relationships. When you give a lot emotionally to other people, you also need to get replenished.

So take time to surround yourself with people who can pour into you encouragement and affirmation.

In addition, love brings joy. And that love can be from relationships of all kinds—from a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife kind of love to the love of children, friends, family members, and others.

6. Get a new perspective. Maybe it’s time to clean house in your personal life and your emotional life. Change your routine. Move on from your losses. Let go of what is holding you back. See your situation with new eyes.

Make a plan to get unstuck. Set a new goal (and have a vision, with something to look forward to small or large). Don’t compare yourself with others.

7. Make prayer a priority. Talk to God and listen, as you would communicate with a close friend. Believe that God is at work in your life, even now. Ask Him to give you more joy in your life.

8. Be grateful. Thankfulness leads to joy. Thank God for all He has done for you. As you list off what you’re grateful for, joy increases.

9. Don’t forget the small stuff. Find joy in the simple things in life. What makes you happy? Do more of that. For me, it’s being out in nature; taking a walk or being in the mountains brings me peace and joy. And spending time with friends I cherish.

10. Have hope. Faith and hope lead to joy as we choose to trust the One who loves us most, God. One day all things will be made right.

Today, you can release your worries and cares to God. Have hope, my friend, and find joy!

For more resources, check out these books by Jackie M. Johnson:
Power Prayers for Women 
Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough
When Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton Is Empty 

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

INTERVIEW: Get to know Jackie M. Johnson; find hope and encouragement

Most people are busy and stressed. They want to have a better life, more joy, a loving family, help for life’s challenges and so much more.

But often they get swept away in the busyness of life. They get emotionally and spiritually parched.

Through my books and blogs, I want to offer a cold glass of water to desert-dry hearts.

I want to bring hope and encouragement to life-weary souls and point them to God—and all He offers us.




Power for living.





Eternal Life.

And, so much more.

I want readers to walk away with inspiration and joy–and the power they need to do this hard and messy life with God’s help.

I hope my books and blog posts will bless you each time you read a page or a post.

To learn more about author Jackie M. Johnson, read this recent interview on popular author Susan Mathis’ blog. 

When You’ve Been Hurt: Forgive and Be Set Free!

If you’ve ever had your home or car broken into, you know how violating it can feel. It’s happened to me twice.

Break-ins to your vehicle are one thing; break-ins to your inner life can be devastating.

Perhaps you’ve known the sting of rejection from a boyfriend or girlfriend, or the betrayal of a close friend. Maybe you’ve been wounded with the unkind words of another. Or someone has defamed your character.

We see this played out in the news nearly every day. Especially around election time with mudslinging, dirty politics—and fake news.

When you or someone you care about is mistreated, what do you do?

Hold a grudge? Let bitterness and resentment build up? Or, choose to forgive—and walk in freedom and peace?

Justice is served

One of the biggest reasons people don’t want to forgive someone who’s hurt them is because they mistakenly believe that the person will get away with it (whatever they’ve done).

You think the other person should “pay” for what they’ve done—and do so at your hands. But when you forgive, you release him from your hands and give the situation to God to handle; He will ensure justice is served.

Read what Romans 12:19 says in The Message Bible:

“Don’t insist on getting even;

that’s not for you to do.

‘I’ll do the judging,’ says God. ‘I’ll take care of it’”

God’s heart breaks when someone is mistreated. He sees your pain, and He cares about your trials. Thankfully, God is a God of Justice. He will make all things right.

Release and be set free!

Forgiving someone who has wronged you is for you. Whether or not he says he’s sorry, whether or not she asks for forgiveness, forgive in your heart—ask God to help you release what you are holding on to.

Forgiveness sets your heart free.

Of course, it is not a one-time process. In fact, you may need to have multiple conversations with God about your situation. Forgiving is a journey. One step at a time.

But the path becomes clearer as we come to understand why we need to do something that seems so difficult: God has first forgiven us, and He asks us to forgive other. Jesus said,

“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” —Matthew 6:14, 15

You may still feel resistance. I’m not forgiving him; he doesn’t deserve it.  Your feelings may be valid, but the truth is none of us deserve it; that’s what grace is about. Mercy and grace are gifts, extended to you by Jesus Christ.

Because of His amazing love, Christ can empower you to do the unthinkable in the eyes of the world: forgive someone who has wronged you.

Forgiveness releases the pain and frees you. No longer a victim, you are a victorious person who overcomes!

Remember, too, that forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to reconcile or hang out with people who have hurt you. Sometimes the wisest and healthiest thing to do is be away from them and have boundaries to protect your heart from further pain.

A fresh wind is blowing. It’s the freedom you feel when you’ve forgiven those who have mistreated you.

Will you choose to harbor bitterness and resentment, or come into the light of hope—forgiving others because you have been forgiven first by God?

Freedom and lasting peace are possible. The choice is yours.


Lord, sometimes it is hard to wrap my head around the concept of forgiveness. It seems impossible in my human strength. But Your Word says that with You everything is possible. Even this. You have forgiven me, help me extend that same mercy to the person who has wronged me. Help me to forgive—and live free and at peace again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

When Someone You Love Passes Away: Finding Wild Hope

Have you ever lost a good friend or loved one unexpectedly?

I have.

Just last week.

One of my closest friends from college and the years beyond, Laura, went from this world to the next. After a battle with the “c” word (a disease I will not even speak or write), she burst forth from time into eternity.

Heaven. A place of no pain. No tears. Unconditional love. And more peace and joy and incomprehensible beauty than any of us could ever imagine.

I hope her first moments in heaven were like the popular photo of a woman with a big, bright smile hugging Jesus tightly like there’s no tomorrow. But there will be an eternity of tomorrows for her in heaven.

Jesus joyfully greets her. Welcome home!

My friend Laura leaves behind an amazing husband and two kids. And a large extended family. And a whole lot of friends.

If you have lost a friend or family member, you may want to read my blog post about dealing with grief and loss and my book, Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough.

This side of heaven we live with the mystery of God’s ways. Why does He do what He does? Why didn’t God stop her disease or her passing?

Why, Lord, why?

We may not always understand His ways, but the One who loves us most gives us HOPE.

Wild hope.

Hope that believes that God knows what He is doing even when we do not. That his ways are higher, but for our ultimate good.

Hope that goes beyond expectations.

Despite hard things, and in the midst of tough times, you can trust God. He has more for you than you can ask or imagine—and His power is at work within you.

Even when you do not understand.

Wild hope is planting seeds of faith and expecting orchards of blessings. It’s courageous and expectant—and celebratory—knowing that your great expectations aren’t too large for the great, big God we serve.

We can have this kind of hope because Jesus Christ lived, died and rose again glorious and alive! For you. For me. He is our true Hope. Unpredictable? Yes. Unexpected? Certainly.

He goes beyond—far beyond—what we can imagine, and leads us into a future we never could’ve dreamed of.

So in times of defeat, doubt or discouragement, we pray. In times of joy and victory, we pray. And trust the God of abundance, the God of so much more.

We may sow with tears, but we will reap with armloads of joy! One day. Maybe soon.

Harvest time is coming.