Why don’t I get asked out? Will I ever find lasting love? Perhaps you know people in the “uncoupled” stage of life who bemoan their single status and gripe to just about anyone who will listen. Maybe you are one of them. It’s good to ask the questions. Then explore why you’re single and take positive action. If you don’t have a special someone in your life right now, and you’re wondering why you’re single, there’s probably a good reason. Here are just a few things that could be keeping you from a romantic love relationship: If you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and you desire that, you can choose to enjoy this single season of life or simply endure it. Check out these five (5) helpful ways to find more peace—and perspective—in this solo time. 1. Have hope. It’s OK to feel discouraged when you don’t have someone special in your life. But don’t dwell on it. Move forward with anticipation that things really could change. We can have peace because God has a plan. Trust His perfect timing. 2. Surrender. Sometimes we hold on so tightly to what we think we want in a relationship. But it never seems to work out. I’ve learned that peace comes through surrender, yielding to God, and allowing Him to reign my love life and my whole life. God is constantly working—even when we cannot see it or feel it. 3. Prepare. Are you ready to be in a relationship? Maybe it’s time to get rid of things that are holding you back—like a critical spirit or commitment issues. Think about what you really want and how things can be different next time. The more emotionally healthy you are, the more likely you’ll be to connect with someone in a healthy and lasting relationship. 4. Pray. God cares about your love life. Pray for your future boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife—before you even meet. Tell God your heart’s desires and ask Him for wisdom in this important decision. 5. Choose joy now. Don’t wait to have a significant other in your life to be happy. Despite circumstances, you can choose joy today—and, with God’s power and strength in you, you can live with hope and peace.
Why am I still single?
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