Hope on the Go!
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We all get angry once in a while and that’s normal. But when we ignore it, hide it, or express anger in out of control ways to destructive extremes then it’s a problem. Here are a few practical things you can do to manage your anger wisely: Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I am so mad! I need your help. I need to do something with these heated emotions. So I choose to give You my anger and bitterness. Lord, help me to know how to best handle this situation. Redeem the confusion and bring peace to what seems so out of control. Free me from resentment and blame. And show me my part in this conflict as You also speak to the heart of the other person. I ask for your healing power. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources When you feel bored, it could be because most of your time is spent looking inward. When you turn your focus from self to others, something wonderful happens. You find joy again. Serving others brings joy to God’s heart and it can reinvigorate yours. For example, Dean was tired of the daily monotony of working a factory job every day and then sitting alone in front of the TV every night. He felt like there had to be more to life, but he didn’t know what to do. Today, Dean has found renewed meaning in serving others as he volunteers with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Try something new. Serve others. You will find a new sense of purpose, energy and joy. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I am so bored. I don’t know what to do with my time—and the things I need to do don’t interest me. Will you please help me to find new meaning and in life? What should I put my hands to, and how can I help and bless others? You created me for your good purposes. Please show me what they are. I ask for relief and guidance. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources Feeling insecure, uncertain or fearful? Here are some powerful confidence builders: Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I want to be a more confident person. I don’t want to be afraid to be my true and authentic self. I ask that you would help me to be secure in who I am because of who You made me to be—worthy, valued, beloved and so much more. Even when I do not see how things can ever change, I believe You have the power to make real and lasting changes in me. Help me not to hide the light of Christ, but to let it shine through me like a candle brightening my corner of the world. Strengthen me, Lord. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Additional Resources Are you feeling anxious…mad…sad…lonely…less than…or discouraged? Do you need some hope-filled encouragement? It’s OK to feel down when challenging things happen. God designed us with emotions. But it’s essential to deal with your disappointments so little hurts don’t turn into large ones. Disappointment can spiral quickly into despair or depression if you don’t get a hold of your thought life. In any situation, there’s “what happened” and “what you do with what happened.” In other words, how do you handle tough times? Will you sulk or will you stand strong on the promises of God? You have a choice. Ask yourself, “How can I view this situation differently?” Perhaps you need a fresh perspective. Just as flying high above the ground in an airplane helps you to see the bigger picture of the earth below, getting a new perspective on your circumstances can help you feel better. Ask God to open your eyes to the truth about what’s happening so you can see more clearly how to pray and what to do. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this situation? How can my faith be strengthened here?” Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” We don’t know how or when, but God promises to work all things together for His purposes. That’s where trust comes in. So take a deep breath. It’s going to be OK. Maybe not right away, but some day. Give all those swirling emotions inside you to God, the One who loves you most. Picture yourself casting your cares, like you cast a fishing rod. But don’t reel them back in! Release. Surrender. Give it all to God. God is with you. He wants the best for you. You can trust Him to make a way for you. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I need encouragement right now. Will you lift my spirit as I look to you, and to your Word (the Bible) for your comfort and truth? Give me the courage and energy I need to keep on going, even when it’s difficult and I’m tired. Help me to focus on what You can do, not on what I can’t. I you’re your comfort, strength and encouragement right now. Please replenish me inside and out. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources When our safety is threatened—physically or emotionally—we are rightly afraid because we don’t know what will happen. Our bodies are equipped with an inner alarm to signal something is not right in order to protect us from harm. But we need wisdom to discern if the thing we’re fearful about is a real fear or a false fear—and what to do about it. For example, you may hear an unfamiliar noise in the middle of the night and feel afraid. But once you discover it’s only the wind blowing against a window pane, your mind can rest again. Some people are afraid to fly. Some fear being alone. Others are afraid of not having enough money, like when your bank account is nearly empty and the rent is due. You have a right to feel fear. It’s what you do with your feelings of fear that make a difference. You can choose to live in worry and doubt, or you can choose to trust God in every situation. And peace can replace anxiety. Fear subsides. Jill Briscoe once said, “Courage is fear that has said its prayers.” Dealing with your fears starts by remembering what God has done in the past—for you and for others. Recall how He has seen you through before, and believe that He will again. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you do what you cannot do. Fear says, “I cannot handle this situation.” Faith says, “God can.” Trust that even though you can’t see now how it’s all going to work out, God does. Shore up inside you the truth about who God is as protector, helper, and healer. He is stronger than any force that tries to come against you. God is whispering to you, “Will you trust me?” The choice is yours. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I need your help and protection. Rescue me from this fear and doubt swirling around me. I ask you to quiet my stormy emotions. Help me to believe that You will take care of me—and all of my difficult circumstances. Keep me safe in the comfort of your love and strong power. You can do anything! And I need you right now. Turn my darkness to light. Help me to move from fear to confidence, from timid to trusting. Give me courage to move forward, one step at a time with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. Additional Resources Are you—or someone you care about—feeling far from God? Sometimes life gets busy, and the most important relationship in your life seems distant. Maybe you’ve been running from Him for a really long time. Or, you don’t know the One who loves you most. No matter what your situation, God’s unconditional love and grace is waiting for you to come back to Him. Even when you cannot see or feel it, God is always at work in your life. Think about this: If a tourist drove through Colorado Springs on a foggy day she wouldn’t be able to see Pikes Peak (which is about 14,000 feet tall). Because she couldn’t see the mountain, she may not believe it’s really there. But as a resident, I know it’s there; I see it every day. I know with certainty that when the clouds clear away America’s Mountain will be standing strong. Likewise, even we cannot see the way out of our own foggy lives, we can choose to believe God is still here. Always here, working all things together for the good despite your circumstances, or your feelings. One step at a time, one choice at a time. You take a small step. You talk to him in prayer, like one friend talking with another. You take another step, and choose to dust off your Bible and look for the hidden treasures of wisdom inside. And soon you’re building momentum as one step leads to another. As you draw closer to Him, God draws closer to you. When life tries to drag you away, you make new choices and keep telling yourself God’s truth. God really loves you. More than you know. He created you for His good purposes. And He will lead you as you seek Him. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayers Come Closer to God Prayer for Salvation Lord, I ask for forgiveness of my sinful and selfish ways. I have been wrong and I am sorry. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that You raised Him from the dead so I could live. Thank you for that amazing gift! Thank you for your unconditional and unending love for me. I ask You to come into my heart, so I can be saved and live forever—forgiven and free. I love You. I choose You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources Forgiveness isn’t easy. You may feel hurt or angry, mad or sad, confused or shocked—and you’re struggling to forgive him or her. Know this: You have a right to your feelings. Know this also: Whether the offense was in the past or the present, holding onto that pain not only continues to hurt you, it can also block you from moving forward. The pent up pain turns into bitterness, resentment, or offense and the emotional poison works its way into other areas of our lives. When you feel wronged, you think the other person owes you something. They owe you an apology, an explanation, a childhood, a relationship or a marriage. Whatever it is, you are holding them prisoner, but you are the one with the pain. Andy Stanley once said, “Forgiveness means we release that person and say, ‘You don’t owe me.’” You don’t owe me. And yet, some people think that forgiving someone is like “letting them off the hook,” and they refuse to extend forgiveness. But here’s the thing… Forgiveness is not forgetting about what happened or acting like everything is okay. It doesn’t mean that you condone what happened, agree with it or like it. You are not overlooking the offense or excusing it, and you are definitely not letting the offender off the hook for their words or actions. Instead, you’re putting them on God’s hook, and trusting God to deal with it fairly because He said He would. As you release the person who’s wronged you to God, He ensures justice is served; not you. “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19) Our perspective changes when we realize what God has done for us. He freely extends unconditional love and forgiveness to us, His children. And in the light of the mercy He’s shown us, we can extend the hand of forgiveness to others. Forgiving others is possible as you: You can forgive others because the One who loves you most, God, has first forgiven you—and because He asks us to. Forgive others. Forgive yourself. Give it to God to handle. And then go live in emotional freedom and peace! Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayers Prayer (when you need to forgive others) Prayer (when you need forgiveness) Additional Resources Are you or someone you know in need of physical or emotional healing? Whether it’s an illness, injury or other type of concern, you can know that God is all about redeeming loss and pain, and healing wounds of all kinds. He is the Master at rebuilding, whether it’s rubble in the streets after a hurricane or the wreckage in your heart. And it’s important to know that God doesn’t cause hardship, He is with you in the hardship. In this world, you or those you care about will endure suffering, aches, and pains. But you can choose to press in and pray on—to persevere—asking, seeking and knocking on the door of the Jesus Christ, the One who loves you most. When you pray about healing, be expectant and have a positive attitude. Choose to believe that, “God is healing me more and more each day. I am alive, and well and living in all that God has called me to do and to be today!” As you pray for your health concerns, may you discover in the midst of your healing journey wild hope, unexpected joy and never-give-up faith. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I need healing. Will you please help me? I know that You hear my prayers and see my tears. I need Your loving arms of comfort around me right now. Help me through this difficult time. Please give me the strength I need. Help me to have faith and keep on believing for Your will for my life—and healing to my heart, my soul and my body. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources Life can be challenging at times. It’s not easy. It doesn’t seem fair. Hope is fading and you could really use some encouragement right now. You can have hope in hard times—in all times—when you know more fully the One in whom we put our hope, Jesus Christ. He is our Wild Hope. To me, that means He is “wild” in the sense that He is passionate and powerful—adoring and authoritative—yet often unpredictable. While His ways are often surprising, He acts out of ultimate love. Hope that is wild is extravagant; it is beyond your wildest dreams. Like when you have only pennies left to your name and God provides the resources you need to pay your bills. Hope allows you to overcome fear and discover a life you never could have thought possible. Hope is not crossing your fingers and making a wish, it’s folding in your hands and saying a prayer. It’s expecting God to answer, even when you have no idea when it will come or how things will ever change. You can have hope for the future and for this very moment because: You can trust that God will provide for your needs. He is with you and He is for you. Release your disappointments. Don’t keep re-hashing in your mind what happened. Deal with your pain. Talk to God in prayer. Trust Him to make things right. And finally, don’t let your disappointment let you get disillusioned with God. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” All things? Even this painful disappointment? Yes, even this. We don’t know how or when, but God promises to work all things together for a higher and better purpose. Choose to look to the One who has the power to do something about your situation. He will lift you up. Our times are in His hands. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, You know my situation and how difficult things have been for me. I need help. I need hope that things will change, that they will get better. I choose to put my hope in You, the One who loves me most. I ask for your best in my situation. Help me to have peace because You have a plan. I trust for Your will, Your way and Your timing. My hope is set on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources When feelings of insecurity strike, take a moment and remember to tell yourself the truth about who you really are. Instead of relying on what others say, you can build “God-confidence” (verses self confidence) by focus on what God says and what He can do through you, not your own limited resources. Start by immersing yourself in God’s truth and His amazing, unconditional love—not what the world says you should do or be—and you will find insecurity fading and confidence building. When we see with the eyes of Christ, we see who we really are. Here’s the thing: lack of confidence and its opposite, pride, are extremes. Is there a balance somewhere in between for a healthy self image and a confident spirit? Consider this from my book, When Love Ends about a true sense of self esteem: Perhaps you’ve seen a woman who thinks she is “all that.” Her smugness and conceit is contrasted with the person who has low self esteem: she thinks she is “none of that.” She focuses more on her mistakes instead of what she does right. She is often sad or fearful, and her insecurity prevents her from speaking up, taking chances, or moving forward. Whether it’s too high or too low, ask yourself if your assessment of your self is accurate. Ask God to give you insight. A woman with a healthy self-esteem respects herself. She feels secure and worthwhile because of what God says about her. She has confidence in relationships and in life and generally more joy. She knows she has significance; she matters. With her sense of worth and value intact, she sits up straight and walks tall. Her head up, this confident woman is friendly, gentle and kind. She makes eye contact when she speaks, and she doesn’t constantly apologize for everything she says or does. We all have reasons for feeling insecure. But we don’t have to stay there; we have choices. Instead of living in insecurity, we can choose to live “in security.” That means we’re secure in our identity in who Jesus Christ says we are. Here are a few things that describe you in God’s eyes. You are: Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayers Lord, sometimes I wonder what other people think of me. I doubt that I am “enough,” or if I am adequate for the tasks at hand each day. I really want to do my best and be all that You have for me to be in this life, and I know I cannot do it on my own. Will you please give me God-confidence, not self-confidence because I know that you can do greater things through me than I could ever conjure up myself. You are my helper, my healer, my wise counsel. With You I stand strong, believing. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Lord, I feel like I am learning more each day about how to be a confident person. Sometimes I forget all you have given me, the assurance of your love, acceptance and provision. Please forgive me for walking past the truth and settling for lies and half-truths that the world throws my way. Help me to hold fast and cling to the treasures You give me: I am Your Beloved. I am Your child. Your power and strength course through me to enable me to say the right things and stand strong. Help me to hold on to my beliefs and hold on to hope, knowing that one day we will be rewarded in heaven. I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen. Lord, Would You please help me to see myself the way You see me? Confirm in my life what I have heard and let me experience it. Your Word says that I am Your child, Your daughter or son. Because we serve the King of kings I am Your princess or prince. You created me; I was Your idea! Despite how I look or don’t look, despite how I feel or don’t feel, Your Words stands strong and true. I choose to believe and bask in Your truth, and Your unending love for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources True joy is not dependent upon our circumstances. No matter what is happening around us, we can know inner peace and joy—not fleeting happiness, but deep joy. Joy comes as we choose to surrender our will for God’s will. Joy follows as we decide to following His way of doing life, and we realize His power and strength in our lives. A joy-filled heart is a thankful heart. When we are grateful for all God has provided, and all He has done our joy and faith are increased. Thanking God will make any day better. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, thank you that You are the giver of life, joy and hope. I don’t know where I would be without You. I don’t know what the future holds, but I ask for joy in the waiting—even when I do not understand. Please help me to have patience and courage as you work in my life. As I spend time in Your presence, restore my joy. Thank you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources Loneliness has a certain ache. It’s a feeling of emptiness that longs for relief. You may feel it when you move across the country to a new city and don’t yet know anyone there. Or, when you’re going through a relationship breakup or divorce. You can even feel lonely in a crowd. Many people feel lonely when they are with others who simply don’t understand them, or ignore them. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t feel good. You just want the emptiness to go away. Here’s the thing: We were created for connection, for relationships of all kinds. Indeed, our longings for love and friendship are vital to our emotional well-being. Here are a few areas of life where you can build connections, find community and a sense of belonging: Most importantly, make a connection first with the One who loves you most. Through prayer (talking with God one on one) we can have the most meaningful connection possible. Prayer is a holy conversation of both speaking and listening with God. He knows you better than you know yourself. In fact, He created you! Your words don’t have to be perfect or rehearsed, just real and from your heart. Our good and faithful God is listening and He is always there. When you know God, you are never alone. Today, ask God to make His presence real to you. Ask Him to help you have more positive and life-giving relationships. And, think about how you can reach out to another person. Just remember, feeling lonely is for a season. It will pass. And, with prayer and God’s power at work in your life good things and new connections could be just around the corner. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I have this ache inside of me. I feel so lonely, like I’m in a dry and barren desert. Will you meet me in this desolate place? I pray for relief from the longing in my heart to connect with other people—people who understand me, people with whom I can connect with in positive, life-giving relationships. Would you please bring friends and others into my life who are emotionally healthy. I choose to look to You first and trust You for Your best. And, show me how I can be a better friend to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources You were made to love and be loved. In fact, the Author of Love, God Almighty, created us that way. God not only invented love, He is love. Sadly, you may have times in your life when you feel empty or lonely. You don’t feel loved or loved well. Maybe you’ve been rejected by a boyfriend or girlfriend—or a spouse. Perhaps you’ve been hurt by a friend, parent or other relative. In order to get more love in your life, seek God first. Go to the Source of love itself. He will fill you up and show you what love really is. Then you will have the ability to love others well—and love yourself. The One who made you is the One who loves you most, and God accepts you just as you are. He never leaves. And, He has the power to make real and lasting changes in your life. The longing and ache you have for love in your life must first be filled with God’s love, or you will always have an emptiness inside of you—a “heart hole.” When we put God first, and allow Him to fill our hearts, then our romantic relationships, and all of our relationships, will be healthier and better. In addition, you may not know how to love well (or love someone consistently) because you have not experienced it in your own life. The good news is that you can learn to love others, to love God and to love yourself. Throughout Scripture, God reveals how to act toward one another in all kinds of relationships. We can show love to others with our words and our actions. Here are a few other passages from the Bible that tell us how to live wisely and well in the context of relationships: Of course, we can’t do this in our own strength. God never expects us to! He enables us to do what we cannot do on our own as we ask Him for help and His power to work in us. God loves you—more than you know. Despite your feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, God is all about loving you. You are not alone; God is with you always. Make every effort to spend time with God in prayer, because there in His presence you’ll find the power to live and the peace and love you crave. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I want to know and experience more of your life-giving love. Fill me, so I can be full of love and pour out healthy love to others. Help me to see with new eyes the love I already have in my life, and cultivate more positive, loving relationships. Thank you for the amazing gift of Your love that never changes and never ends. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources Waiting seems to be a part of life. We wait to grow up, to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, to get married, to have kids, or to have the kids finally out of the house. We wait for the right job or for an answer from medical tests or a court decision. We wait for new opportunities, for answers, or for dreams to come true. Many times we’re tempted to give up. It’s hard to have patience. And sometimes things take a really long time. That’s when we need the inner strength that our loving God provides to keep on going. But often, we take matters into our own hands when we think the answer is taking entirely too long. Yet, when we do, there are consequences. Some worse than others. Sure, the temptation to do things in our own way and in our timing can be strong. But we have a choice. We can choose to take our hands off and allow God to work, trusting He will come through. It takes courage to let go; it takes faith to trust God. But His best is worth waiting for. Some times it’s just a matter of timing. For example, if you put a pan of cake batter in the oven and remove it before the baking time has completed, you’d get a hot, gooey mess. You may have all the right ingredients for success, but you need to wait. Instead, if you wait for the timer to go off, and the cake has set, you have a much better result: a fully-baked, fresh, yummy cake. Waiting makes a world of difference. It’s helpful to know that waiting can be a time of preparation. God is getting things ready, and getting us ready for His blessings. Waiting refines us; it builds character and exercises our trust muscles. As you wait, have joy, patience and faith. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12). Prayer enables us to hold on to hope and have patience. Trust God to come through for you. “My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken” (Psalm 62:5-6). Draw near; stay close. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” In God’s timing, things happen. Winter’s snowy blasts turn to fragrant spring blossoms. As you wait, remember: this will not last forever. In the meantime, have courage. Have faith. God is in control, and His timing is perfect. We may not always know the reasons for delay, or like them, but we can trust God is working all things together for the good—and for His glory. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I have been waiting such a long time. You know my heart. You see my needs. So many times I am tempted to give up. I cannot do it on my own. Give me inner strength to keep on going. Fortify me, Lord. Please give me patience and the courage to trust You as I wait for Your will and your timing—your best. I put my hope in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources Why is peace so elusive? Perhaps it’s because we forget to replenish our source of peace in the busyness of daily living. Regardless of our circumstances, we can live a life of peace when we find our contentment in Christ and draw near to Him. Just as the moon absorbs light from the sun, we can bask in the glow of God’s Son and absorb his truth. Then we can become people who reflect His joy and light to the world around us. You can have much less anxiety and much more peace when you trust God and transfer the outcome of the decision to Him. Instead of thinking “it’s all up to me” and “I have to make this happen” you can surrender your fear and doubt to the Lord believing He will take care of you—and provide a course correction if needed. Peace is possible as we see the source of peace through prayer. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I don’t want to be anxious. I want to be a person of peace. Help me to keep centered on you and not my problems. Calm me, and help me to find my security and contentment in You, the One who loves me most. Still my inner heart so I can be peaceful in my thought and actions. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources We all want to feel accepted and wanted. We want to feel like we belong and that we’re loved unconditionally. But sometimes we get pushed out or left behind. Whether you were rejected in a love relationship, fired from a job or another situation, rejection hurts. You may feel different emotions all at once—anger, confusion, betrayal, sadness and more. What I have learned is that one of the most important things in going from the dark days of pain back to the brighter days of hope and joy is first learning to grieve to loss so you can move forward. Grieving a loss is not just for a death, it’s helpful for dealing with all kinds of losses. Grieving a loss means that you process emotions, you don’t stuff them down or attempt to handle them in unhealthy and or destructive ways. You feel it and deal with it in order to heal it. However, instead of dealing with the emotional rubble from a broken heart or a lost job (or some other painful experience), we may turn to our favorite comfort foods or other substitutes to try and fill the emptiness and soothe the sorrow. But while it may seem to satisfy for a time, the pain remains. Thankfully, God heals brokenness. He is all about restoration and transformation—from sadness to joy, from rejection to acceptance, and from brokenness to wholeness. When you feel rejected, it’s important to remember that there’s “what happened” and “what you tell yourself” about what happened. Your self talk is very powerful and needs to be held in check. Don’t beat yourself up emotionally. In a breakup, for example, often the guy is not rejecting you as a person, but making a choice on what is the best fit for him (just as you make a choice on what’s the best fit for you). Not being chosen doesn’t mean you’re not acceptable. You are still worthy and wonderful whether the other person realizes it or not. You may not feel very wonderful right now, but don’t let what someone else thinks erode your sense of self. Keep reminding yourself of God’s unchanging truth—about who you are, and about God’s good plan for your life—because truth combats lies like light combats darkness. You matter to God, and He has unending love for you. You are enough, and you are worth being loved well. When you know and believe the love of Christ for you, you can be set free. Free from worry about the future or fear of what others think about you. Truly, your life matters to God—your love life, your work life, and your whole life. Release the pain of the past. Let it go and let God fill your open hands with his good purposes. He will be your comfort and your peace. Trust God for his best in his timing. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, so many emotions are swirling in my head right now. Please help me. Would you show me how to deal with theses feelings of rejection? Heal my heart and be my comfort and my peace. Help me to let go of false beliefs and soak in your truth. I believe you will heal this pain and bring me into joy again. I ask and pray for better days ahead—and for your good purposes in my life. I surrender and I trust you because you know best and you love me more than I know. I ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen. Additional Resources Rest brings margin to your life, the necessary spaces that allow you to replenish and restore your energy level and your attitude. Are you weary? Tired? Exhausted? We are a generation of busy people—working hard but hardly living. In the exhaustion of daily living, we often complain, “There’s so much to do, and never enough time” instead of saying a quiet prayer, “Lord, I am so tired. Please help me.” And that’s exactly what God will do when you ask Him. Yes, there is a time to work. God uniquely created each of us with talents and abilities to make a contribution in life. We may be good at what we do and find satisfaction in a job well done. But there is also a time to cease from our labor. We need physical and emotional rest; it’s essential to life and good health. Without enough sleep we may get cranky and tired. In the demanding pace of life we lose perspective, forget things or mess up our priorities. We lose peace of mind, and connection with God and others. Our health and relationships suffer. We feel cluttered, scattered, or alone. Perhaps we don’t value rest because we’ve forgotten what it means. Our perception may be skewed by a culture that praises busyness and devalues silence, stillness, and reflection. Rest brings margin to your life, the necessary spaces that allow you to replenish and restore your energy level and your attitude. Without rest, fun and play, life is an endless cycle of work, chores and errands. And that’s not what God intended. It’s like a score of music. Without well-placed rests, beats of silence, a song would run on and on; it would fail to achieve its true purpose. And it would surely weary the listener’s ear. So composers use whole, half or quarter rests—longer or shorter beats—to make beautiful music. Is there a way for you to find some well-placed rests in your own life? For example: Replenishing rest looks different for everyone. And when we’re well-rested, we are better equipped to serve God and others, and enjoy our lives. Rest means trusting God. You were never meant to do life all on your own, or carry the weight of the world like boulders in a backpack. When you release your worries to God, you’re saying that you trust Him. Instead of being anxious, you can rely on the fact that God said He would take care of your needs. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I’m so tired. I need your peace and rest. So often I want to relax, but I feel guilty. What will happen if I lay down my worries and cares? People are depending on me. But when You call, I choose to come. Refresh my life-weary heart, replenish my energy and help me to be a better me. As I rest, I will trust You. You are my peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources Sadness can come over you because you’re mourning the loss of a loved one or the loss of a significant relationship. Our hearts break when people we love are hurting. Maybe you don’t even know why you’re feeling sad, but you want to get back into joy again. Comfort comes as we lean into the One who loves us most, Jesus Christ. He heals broken hearts and restores broken lives. Let yourself cry. It can be healing. Journal your feelings. Spend time in worship—it takes the focus off of self and renews hope. Read some key verses and pray the short prayer as a start on the road back to feeling better. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I come before you sad today. You know my heart; you see my tears and hear my cries for help in this time of adversity. I cannot believe this has happened. Some days I am just numb. But you are with me, and that makes all the difference. I am not alone. Help me through this time of trouble and lead me into hope and joy again. I know you are stronger than anything that comes against me. I put my trust in You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Additional Resources It’s not always easy to make the right choice. It can be difficult, by not impossible. We need to know that there is a battle raging within each of us—an internal battle between the flesh and the Spirit, God’s Holy Spirit. We make choices and either satisfy the body (our flesh) that lead to misery, or the Spirit—choices that lead to life and the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, etc.). It comes down to a matter of the will. But we need God’s power in us to give us the strength to overcome; we can’t beat bad habits or gain self-control simply by gritting our teeth and trying harder. Freedom from making unhealthy choices comes as we pray—and take action. Ask God to help you. Ask others to pray with and for you. We all need reinforcements. Ask God for strength and courage. Then, take a step. Choice by choice, empowered by God, things can begin to change. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I need Your help. Please create in me the fruit of self-control in all areas of my life. Empower me to flee temptation and walk in the power You give me through the Holy Spirit. Give me the strength I need to make wise choices so I can have a better and healthier life, and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Additional Resources We are a generation of busy people—working hard but hardly living. In the exhaustion of daily living, we often complain, “There’s so much to do, and never enough time” instead of saying a quiet prayer, “Lord, I am so tired. Please help me.” And that’s exactly what God will do when you ask Him. There is a better way to find a better life. If you’re in the middle of a stressful time—take a moment to take a breath and say a short prayer. Ask God for help. You were never meant to do life all on your own, or carry the weight of the world like boulders in a backpack. When you release your worries to God, you’re saying that you trust Him. Instead of being anxious, you can rely on the fact that God said He would take care of all your needs. God is always at work, even when you’re asleep. When you are feeling overwhelmed, say to yourself, “I cannot, but God can.” God can do anything; nothing is too hard for Him, even restoring peace to your whirlwind life. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I can’t take one more day of this hectic, whirlwind of life! I have so much to do and not enough time. Sometimes it just feels like too much to handle. I give you my burned out, anxious heart and ask you to heal me and help me. Replenish me, Lord. Pour out Your peace and help me to find relief from the stress in my life. Calm me. Renew me. Restore my joy. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Additional Resources When you’re confused and wondering what to do, ask the Lord for wisdom and guidance. He is the giver of wisdom. Prayer is the key to reaching our goals—and having wisdom to know what to do day-by-day and choice-by-choice. Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I want to know Your will for my life. Enlighten me with wisdom and understanding. I need discernment to know when to stay and when to go; when to speak and when to close my mouth. Fill me with the knowledge of Your best for me—now and in the future. As I seek to humbly follow You, help me to joyfully accept your answers. I ask for Your best blessings. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Additional Resources “A prayer-filled life is a powerful life. When you pray, your life and the lives of those around you will be forever changed.” ~ Jackie M. Johnson What are you praying for? More peace. Less stress. A better job or marriage. Healing to your heart or your body. Help for a loved one. No matter what you’re going through, you can turn to God in prayer. He hears. He cares. And He has the loving heart and strong power to do something about it. Your days may be full, but your heart doesn’t have to be empty or anxious. When you come to God in prayer you can find peace, real help and healing. And a closer connection with the One who loves you most. Prayer changes things. It changes people and circumstances. It changes you. So how do you get started in praying with power? First, let’s look at what prayer is and what it’s not. Prayer is…powerful and effective. It doesn’t have to be a duty-filled or boring. Prayer can be an amazing, life-changing experience for you and for those for whom you pray. Prayer is…a connection with God, our kind and compassion Father who is also strong and mighty. He has the power to make real and lasting changes. Prayer is…a two-way conversation; talking with and listening to God. “Prayer is not a monologue, but a dialogue.” according to Andrew Murray. Prayer is NOT a magical set of words to get what you want. Prayer is NOT measured or judged by how long you pray or if you say the right thing in a certain order. When you pray in faith, sincerely and from your heart, God hears. Prayer is NOT just asking for things (although that’s a part of it). Prayer is also, confessing what we’ve done wrong, praising God for who He is and all that He has done, and thanking Him. I like the acronym CATS to remember the different areas of prayer: We confess our wrongdoings to God, and He forgives us. We adore and worship Him because He is amazing, wonderful majestic, holy, good, and so much more. We thank God for all that He has done for us and for others. We ask Him to help us and those for whom we pray. We pray and God acts in His way and in His timing for His good purposes. Sometimes He ask us to wait and be still; other times He calls us to take action step—even one small step at a time. A prayer-filled life is a powerful life. When you pray, your life and the lives of those around you will be forever changed. Pray on! Key Bible Verses Powerful Prayer Lord, I long to be more connected to you. Teach me to worship You as the true source of love and power. Teach me to pray. Help me to know You more, and grow in my experience of your unconditional love, wisdom and strength. And change me, Lord. May my prayers be powerful and effective, and may my life be fruitful and blessed. For Your Glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Prayer Resources
Lord, I have neglected time with you, and I am sorry. Please forgive me. Blow a fresh wind into the staleness of my life. Revive my spirit. Awaken my soul to the goodness of Your love and help me to know You for who You really are—not my often misguided perceptions. Help me to put You first in every area of my life. Here I am; I come to You believing—despite my fears, doubts and failures. Come near to me, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” ~ Romans 10:9
Lord, I come before you and I thank you that You know all things. You know what happened in this relationship. Right now I bring before you (say the person’s name) and all the hurt and pain he (or she) has caused me. In my own strength I cannot let go, but I ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to help me to forgive. Blow a fresh wind in my life and release the resentment, bitterness, and feelings of offense. Help me to forgive because you have forgiven me. And empower me to have mercy on others in Your strength, knowing You are a God of justice. I ask for courage, strength and your mighty power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Lord, I acknowledge that I have done things wrong and I am sorry. Please forgive me for my foolishness, ignorance, willful disobedience, and selfish ways. I don’t want to live apart from You; I want to be near, not distant, from the One who loves me most. Would you please make me whole again? Wash over me as I release and let go. Thank you for your unconditional love and healing. Thank you that Your mercies are new every morning. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
The baby is delivered.
The check comes in the mail.
The guy finally proposes.
Your husband returns from military deployment.
You get the job.
Someday arrives.
Supplicate (which means to ask).
Books by Jackie M. Johnson
Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough