Always. Photo: Unsplash
Where I live in Colorado there’s an extraordinary park with gigantic natural red rocks called Garden of the Gods.
Some areas are not open to the public because they need repair, and a sign posted there reads, “Area Under Reclamation.” In other words, “Don’t walk here; we’re fixing this section.”
Just as the land needs ecological restoration, the landscape of our hearts needs spiritual restoration—and often emotional and physical changes as well.
That’s because “the landscape of our lives” may need repair. Life can get messy and chaotic. We make poor choices. Or, others hurt us.
Maybe the landscape of your life appears perfectly manicured on the outside, but on the inside you feel like you’re barely surviving.
Maybe it’s time for a change.
The good news is that both landscapes and lives be transformed. Restoration is possible, but often we lose sight of how it happens.
We lose sight of hope.
Focused solely on our circumstances our view becomes myopic; we see only part of the picture.
For instance, if you took a photograph of a desert landscape, all you’d see would be what the camera can capture. It’s your perspective from one viewpoint: some sand, cactus and a bit of tumbleweed blowing in the distance.
But what you couldn’t see beyond the edges of your snapshot was an oasis just ahead, or the desert’s end.
There’s more to the landscape, and more to your life.
Beyond how you feel at this moment, beyond your discouragement or desperation, there is more.
There is hope ahead.
You can have hope in hard times—in all times—when you know more fully the One in whom we put our hope, Jesus Christ, our Wild Hope.
He is “wild” in the sense that He is passionate and powerful—adoring and authoritative—yet often unpredictable.
Isaiah 55:8 reminds us, “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD.” While His ways are often surprising, He acts out of ultimate love.
Hope that is wild is extravagant hope; it is beyond your wildest dreams.
Extravagant hope is when you have only pennies left to your name and God provides the resources you need to pay your bills the very next day.
Extravagant hope is when the doctors tell you that you have less than 1% chance of ever getting pregnant and you finally have a healthy, baby girl.
Hope allows you to overcome fear and discover a life you never could have thought possible.
Hope is not crossing your fingers and making a wish, it’s folding in your hands and saying a prayer. It’s expecting God to answer, even when you have no idea when it will come.
Even when you haven’t a clue as to how things will ever change, you can have hope for the future and for this very moment because:
• God is sovereign. He is in control and you can trust Him even when you do not understand.
• God is loving. He accepts you unconditionally, despite your circumstances or poor choices. He’s chosen you; He’s just waiting for you to choose Him back.
• God is wise. He knows what He’s doing and His wisdom and ways are far beyond our comprehension.
• God keeps His promises. He is trustworthy to do what He says He will do, and that strengthens your faith.
• God is faithful. He is totally reliable and utterly dependable.
God will provide. He is good. He is loving and faithful. He is with you.
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