Growing a Better Life Blog
by Jackie M. Johnson
Powerful Hope and Encouragement
SINGLE or single again? Check out my LIVING SINGLE TODAY blog!
Autumn has a great secret that can change our lives–and we get to be privy to it. Life can be challenging no matter what your age or life stage. How do you press on when you just don’t have it in you? Where do you find the power to live and the peace you crave? It starts with a simple prayer… “Wild hope is planting seeds of faith and expecting orchards of blessings.” ~ Jackie M. Johnson ~ Hi! Welcome to my encouragement blog. My goal is to offer hope-filled and helpful content so life-weary people can find renewed joy, strength, freedom and peace—and discover more about the transforming power of prayer. Here, you will find content that is practical and inspiring, words that bring back the joy and help you to live a better…Could “Autumn’s Secret” Help You Find More Joy and Peace?
4 Things to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up: The Power of Perseverance
Making Prayer a Priority
Growing a Better Life