Growing a Better Life Blog
by Jackie M. Johnson
Powerful Hope and Encouragement
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America is on fire. Literally. And for all the wrong reasons. In the past few days we have seen rioting, looting, and buildings burning in dozens of cities across America. All of this supposedly the result of people who are angry about the death of George Floyd, an African-American man who was murdered wrongfully by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I am angry too. George Floyd should not have had to suffer and die… The need to pray for our nation—and the people who call America home—is more urgent than ever. Though our spiritual heritage is rich, the fabric of society has been unraveling for decades. What can we do? Read on… So how are you doing with the “stay at home” order? If you need some helpful resources to stay sane and spiritually strong during “Life in the Time of the Coronavirus,” I’ve compiled a good read for you. Do you know with certainty that if you died today that you would go to heaven? That, my friend, is the most important question you will ever answer in your lifetime. Read on and get the certainty you need… Feeling afraid or anxious because of the coronavirus–or other things? You have a right to feel fear. It’s what you do with your feelings of fear that makes a difference. Read more…Racism in America: What You Can Do to Make a Difference
How to Pray Powerfully for America: National Day of Prayer 2020
Help and Hope for “Life in the Time of the Coronavirus”
How to Know For Certain You’ll Go to Heaven – Discovering God’s Love and Amazing Grace
How to Handle Fear About the Coronavirus