Growing a Better Life Blog

by Jackie M. Johnson

Powerful Hope and Encouragement

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Letting Go: A Powerful Lesson from Autumn Leaves

It’s Autumn! The time of year when the brilliant red, orange and gold leaves waft gently from the trees to the ground. It’s beautiful to see. And it’s also symbolic of letting go. What do we need to let go of in our own lives? How can we release or surrender to God the things that are holding us back from a better life? Here’s a true story about letting go…and a surprising answer: It…

Finding Peace and Overcoming Fear in Uncertain Times

We live in increasingly uncertain times. Sadly, we hear news about unexpected and senseless violence nearly every day—whether it’s on the other side of the globe or right in our own backyards. We are shocked and saddened by events we never thought we’d have to see.  Understandably, that kind of tragedy can leave people feeling sad, fearful, and anxious. While we all feel fearful at times (we’re human); we don’t have to live in fear. …

Helpful Life Lesson from a Summer Storm

Storms happen. In nature and in life. What can we learn from them to make life better? Here’s a true story from my own life.  It was a hot July day, and from my patio door I could see ominous gray clouds gathering. It looked like the end of the world.  Suddenly, the sky released pelting rain. Lightning cracked like gunfire, and thunder rolled and rolled. Hours passed.  Finally, the clouds broke, revealing a luminous…