Christmas is coming. And it’s time to prepare our HEARTS, not just our HOMES for this special season. How do we prepare for Christmas, the birth of Christ? How can we make it meaningful again? By reflecting on what Christmas really means. And, the amazing Love of God. Love that sent His Son to us. God WITH us. Emmanuel. What a gift! And because of the gift of “God with us,” we want to experience transformed lives. So, let’s remember anew the LOVE and HOPE and JOY that can fill our hearts at Christmas—and all through the year. To do so, here are some inspiring excerpts from Ruth Chou Simons’ new book, Emmanuel: An Invitation to Prepare Him Room at Christmas and Always. • The Christmas season is often hijacked by the stress we allow to direct the posture of our hearts. Sure, we can simplify by buying less décor, or changing up our gift-buying routine…But don’t be fooled; if peace is what we seek, we will find its true source ony in Christ. • How does peace come about? It comes through the person of Christ as He guards our hearts and minds as we surrender to Him. • A focus on self, complicates and adds stress, but a focus on God’s faithfulness simplifies and frees our hearts to rejoice. • If the idea of Immanuel, God with us—blows your mind, it should. But more stunning than even the birth of Christ is the mystery of the Savior’s presence forever with us, wherever we go, through the Spirit. God with us wasn’t one event on Christmas Day…it is forevermore in the lives of those who receive Him as Savior and King. • Jesus doesn’t want our partial attention during the month of December, He wants our hearts every day of every year. He wants us to be transformed. • Christ brings us an entirely new identity. We are no longer enemies or fearful outsiders, but heirs with Christ, who have been brought near. We were made to reflect Him, and He is worthy of that imitation. • So rejoice! In Christ, we’ve been restored to the fellowship we were made for with our Heavenly Father—a restoration planned by God in eternity past, and fulfilled in Jesus, the promised Messiah. As you read and reflect, may you find renewed faith, hope, and JOY! PONDER How has Jesus transformed your life? PRAYER Dear Jesus, we trust You Resources from Jackie M. Johnson If you are feeling lonely this holiday season. If you are dealing with a loss or tragedy. If you are feeling discouraged or down, and need to get your joy back. If you need to find peace. Photo credit: Lisa Fotios, pexels –Excerpts from Emmanuel: An Invitation to Prepare Him Room at Christmas and Always. By Ruth Chou Simons
What is one stressor you can replace
today with thankfulness and prayer?
for all that clutters our minds and hearts this day.
We confess that our lack of peace is so often tied to
a lack of thanksgiving for what You have already done.
So Lord, give us thankful hearts.
May we trust You for the peace that guards
Our minds against anxious thoughts.
(Harvest House Publishers, 2022)
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The Wonder of Christmas: Experience His Love Anew - Jackie M. Johnson
December 18, 2022 at 2:31 pm[…] Preparing Your Heart for Christmas (Part 2) […]